Natural Cattle Care Review

Natural Cattle Care
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It is a book I refer to first for most situations. It is sometimes hard to figure out the dosage of copper,but the things I have tried have worked for us. The codliver oil for pinkeye worked.I do believe we would not have so many problems with our animals if they were getting the right dosage of the minerals. I would say it brings us back to the old time recipes that did work.

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Natural Cattle Care is a comprehensive analysis of farming techniques that keep the health of the animal in mind. Pat Coleby believes that how you farm determines the health of your livestock and she brings a wealth of animal husbandry experience to bear in this analysis of many serious problems of contemporary farming practices, focusing in particular on how poor soils lead to mineral-deficient plants and ailing farm animals. Encompassing every facet of farm management, from the mineral components of the soils cattle graze over, to issues of fencing, shelter and feed regimens, Coleby provides system-level solutions and specific remedies for optimizing cattle health and productivity. She covers strategies for improving farm efficiency, breeding issues, common ailments and remedies, land regeneration and maintenance, and much more. Long revered in Australia as an outstanding expert in her field, Natural Cattle Care is an invaluable everyday resource for everyone with sheep.

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