25 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Review

25 Natural Ways To Lower Blood Pressure
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I've been reading extensively about HBP ever since I experienced a stroke last March. So far I find James Scala's book most useful. My physician suggested I lower my salt intake and Scala covers various aspects of the role sodium plays in the body's functions including it's relationship with potassium (K-factor). Potassium is awfully important and most of us don't get enough of it, but sometimes it is difficult to get enough without eating too much sodium. Scala has some easy to follow suggestions regarding the consumption of sodium, including "Start each day with a cereal that has more potassium than sodium..." As oatmeal is a winner, I can eat that or another cooked ceral or if I'm in a hurry, I can eat one of the several dry cereals one can pour from a box, such as the Nabisco Shredded Wheat I've eaten since I was a child and others. Dr. Scala is a certified nutrition specialist who has written a number of books addressing the consumption of food and a particular ailment affecting the human body.
One of his better known recommendations is to keep a food diary. I had to buy a special pill box so I could keep track of the pills I consume each day, so it is certainly helpful to note what I've eaten. The other option is to eat the same thing every day, which some folks do, but I can't. Scala says only three things are necessary to keep a food diary: honesty, keeping track of what you eat, and noting the results.
Another suggestion Scala offers the reader concerns fat intake. Most of us know by now that some fats are bad. What you may not know is that some are good for you. Flax oil and certain oils consumed by eating fish are also good.
Scala like most nutritionist covers sugar. Face it guys, we consume too much of the stuff. Sadly, it can be hidden in innocuous looking foods like low fat yogurt and certain "non-sweetened" cereals. Eating complex carbohydrates, more fruits and vegetables (including garlic and onions) and plenty of fiber and water round out De. Scala's nutrition suggestions. You can use Kyolic garlic capsules if you don't want to smell like an asafetida bag, however, garlic is wonderful in stir fries, soup, spagetti sauce, stuffing (made with low sodium bread of course), and salads.
Scala includes tips on dining-out, exercising and stress alleviation to round out his book, making it overall one of the best I've read on the topic of lowering blood pressure.

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Lower blood pressure--without drugs

Your high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attacks, congestive heart failure, and kidney failure. Using a simple, easy-to-read format, Dr. James Scala presents 25 simple, natural ways you can use to fight this silent killer. 25 Natural Ways to Lower Blood Pressure explains the different treatments, including herbs, diet, exercise, and visualization and relaxation techniques, and offers other resources for further information.

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