Pet Grooming Salon Basics - Vol. 1 Review

Pet Grooming Salon Basics - Vol. 1
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Let me start by saying this IS a good book for the beginning groomer. I have been grooming for a little over 8 years. I was still hoping this little book would have a few new time saving tips or helpful ideas in it for me, but most everything in this book I already knew about. There were a few suggestions in the finishing touches section that I hadn't heard about before. I guess the title should have been a clue. Definetly the basics. If you havn't been grooming for long you WILL find this book very helpful, but if you've been grooming for awhile proceed with caution. Hope this review has been helpful.

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This book contain grooming secrets from Sally Liddick, editor of Groomer to Groomer and GroomOgram; Mario Migliorini, author of many books on grooming and handling; plus other grooming authorities. Original grooming cartoons! 123 pages full of illustrations and photos! * What's in a Name* Preventing Accidents in the Salon * Fantastic Finishing Touches* Grooming the Neglected Dog* Tricks of the Trade * Control Counts * Good telephone techniques * Equipment Care Maintenance * Correcting Faults * And Lots More!!!

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