Ready, Set, Green: Eight Weeks to Modern Eco-Living Review

Ready, Set, Green: Eight Weeks to Modern Eco-Living
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Ready, Set, Green: Eight weeks to Modern Eco-Living by two experts at, Graham Hill and Meaghan O'Neill is an easy to read--and digest--primer on green living.
Citing the industrial revolution at the turn of the 20th century as the beginning of the heavy use of non-renewable resources and pollution, the authors are equally optimistic that when the masses turn green, we will have a new, eco-friendly revolution.
Unlike some green books that have been published lately, Meaghan and O'Neill really care about the environment. They get that we need a "critical mass" to institute real change for the environment.
The authors deliver sensible and easy to implement ways to become eco-friendly. Drive less, switch bulbs from incandescent to CFL's--stuff anyone can do.
I recommend Go Green, Live Rich: 50 Simple Ways to Save the Earth and Get Rich Trying to supplement Red, Set, Green and to psyche you on how going green save money. I also recommend Harmonious Environment: Beautify, Detoxify and Energize Your Life, Your Home and Your Planet for even more easy, eco-friendly and stylish ideas for your home.

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The time to save the planet is now. Ready? Set? Green! Living green means reversing climate change, but it also means protecting your kids and pets, improving your own health, and saving money. And it doesn't necessarily demand a radical overhaul of your life–just some simple adjustments, such as switching to healthier cleaning products and driving fewer miles each week. Written by the visionaries at, the most heavily trafficked site of its kind, Ready, Set, Green is the definitive (and recyclable) guide to modern green living. It offers solutions to make your home, office, car, and vacation more eco-friendly. For example: • Using a dishwasher instead of hand washing will save you 5,000 gallons of water annually.• Eating less beef will save you 250 pounds of CO2 per year.• Washing your clothes in cold water instead of hot will save 200 pounds of CO2 annually.• Replacing three of your home's most frequently used lightbulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs will save 300 pounds of CO2 every year.Including advice on how to properly insulate your house, cancel junk mail, and choose fruits and veggies wisely, Ready, Set, Green will help you change the future of the planet and restore balance to your daily life.

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