Tiny Home to Call Your Own: Living Well in Just Right Houses Review

Tiny Home to Call Your Own: Living Well in Just Right Houses
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I got this book thinking it would help me design a small dwelling, but was disappointed. It doesn't contain house plans to compare or copy or detailed descriptions of handling essential systems (heating, plumbing, etc.). Instead it's more about psyching the reader up-- encouraging the reader that it is possible to live in a smaller home, how it could be good for them and the world, how there are issues they might need to deal with (e.g. getting rid of stuff).
That's fine I suppose, but the product seems a bit odd, since anyone who picks this book up to read it probably already believes its arguments on some level. And even those arguments are more anecdotal than systematic. This isn't research as much as it is a recounting of the authors' experiences with a certain kind of semi-suburban, semi-rural client, which again is fine, but it lacks scope and perspective.
I imagine that many readers are like myself, and are looking for more practical info about design and systems. For those things I would look to books like Lester Walker's A LITTLE HOUSE OF MY OWN: 47 GRAND DESIGNS FOR 47 TINY HOUSES and (for interiors) Cristina Paredes' SMALL SPACES: GOOD IDEAS. Both those books cover spaces of less than 500 square feet (unlike many books that are supposedly about "small" spaces and start at 1000 sq ft or larger). The Walker book has some great examples of small dwellings in American history. The Paredes book is a more urban, interior-designy book, but it mostly sticks to a level of artistry that is conceivable for many readers.

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Impress your neighbors with style and freedom rather than with larger-scle impersonally built square footage. Small is beautiful in housing. Smaller scale homes can be more livable, cozy, magical, homey, enjoyable, low maintenance and easy to clean. They can be more affordable and socially responsible than the current trend of MacMansionization; that is chewing up our farm land. Some tiny homes can be built on existing lots without requiring new land purchase. You can live in an attractive, appealing, upscale house AND have a home that is quality built, architecturally beautiful, highly marketable and profitable. Uses for tiny homes include: A home for anyone who wants less space to take care of in exchange for more time, freedom and money. As a personal getaway away spaceAs a tax-ductable home office, professional work space, writer's or artist's studio, As a rental for passive income.For an elderly parent, student or return-to-the-nest kid to have an independent place of their own, yet be close by. Tiny Homes is leading a grass-roots movement toward smaller homes. It shows that small is beautiful in housing.

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