Get Organized With Heloise Review

Get Organized With Heloise
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Although this book was written well enough, with a catchy, accessible tone, I was disappointed by how little of it related to organization. I'd been expecting a volume that would offer me good, concrete hints on organizing the clutter in my house and office. And indeed, "Get Organized with Heloise" starts out that way, but quickly veers off course. Hints for finding a mover? Taking your pet to the vet? Throwing a party? All useful I'm sure, but what do they have to do with organization?
I haven't read one of Heloise's books before, so for all I know this grab-bag approach may be her preferred format, and maybe it's a format her loyal readers enjoy. But for me this book didn't provide the organizational tips it advertised. The final mark of its weakness is that after only finishing it a couple of days ago I can only remember two suggestions made in this book, one of which is useful to me ("five minutes or five things") and the other of which is not (color-coding your pantry). I'd hoped for much more.

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The name Heloise is synonymous with household hints. Today, more than 40 years after the original Heloise began her newspaper column, her daughter has carried on the tradition for dispensing reliable and practical advice, garnering a whole new generation of fans. Now for the first time, Heloise's hints for getting and staying organized have been assembled in one easy-to-read volume. From shopping and home bookeeping to travel and entertaining, Heloise covers every aspect of a busy lifestyle to give her readers the kind of guidance that millions of fans have come to expect.

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