Kitchen Witchery: A Compendium of Oils, Unguents, Incense, Tinctures, and Comestibles Review

Kitchen Witchery:  A Compendium of Oils, Unguents, Incense, Tinctures, and Comestibles
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I purchased Kitchen Witchery from a local bookstore and returned it the next day. Normally a fan of Weiser books, I was shocked to find blatant plagiarism of so many other (mostly Llewellyn) books. This book is a mixture of the entire Complete Book of Incense, Oils & Brews by Scott Cunningham with a few other sources from authors Laurie Cabot and the Farrars. Daniel has so very thinly paraphrased Cunningham's own words (example: "always stir clockwise" becomes rewritten as "stir clockwise always") that I am amazed this was published by such a reputable firm as Weiser. The worst part of this collection of "secrets" is that Daniel has listed identitcal recipes from other authors but CHANGED THE INGREDIENT AMOUNTS as well as left out important information about safe handling of the ingredients. This book reads like a garbled online Book of Shadows and is an insult to the hard work done by the authors listed in Daniel's bibliography.

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Psychic Soap4 parts Lemongrass + 3 parts Bay + 1 part Cinnamon Come and See Me Oil5 drops Patchouli oil + 2 drops Cinnamon oil + Olive oil baseOver the years, Wiccan High Priestess Marilyn Daniel has collected hundreds of recipes for her craft. Responding to repeated requests for her secrets, she has compiled them here for the first time in this comprehensive reference of more than 400 magical tips and recipes - covering everything from beauty treatments to healing salves to tasty treats.In addition to advice for buying, storing, and blending essential oils (always stir clockwise), Marilyn reveals her secrets for making incense, bath salts, soaps, ointments, potpourri, ink, and more. Readers will learn how to make a Tuberose Bouquet for attracting love and Air Oil for clear thinking and overcoming addiction, as well as how to incorporate their pets into spellcraft. Kitchen Witchery includes a wide variety of cookies, breads, wines, and other magical foods, and Marilyn serves up her famous recipes for goodies like Sabbat Cakes and Wiccan Handfasting Cake, and drinks such as Nettle Ale and the Milk of Isis. And should a witch find herself in the middle of a recipe with a missing ingredient, she can find a worthy substitute in the extensive list provided. Kitchen Witchery also includes a helpful reference list of magical correspondences and a glossary of herbs and their folk names.

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