The Rise and Fall of the Taconic Mountains: A Geological History of Eastern New York Review

The Rise and Fall of the Taconic Mountains: A Geological History of Eastern New York
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The Rise and Fall of the Taconic Mountains is a delightful book for the student, novice rockhound or seasoned geologist. Published in 2006, this text also serves as an excellent compliment to the book Geology of New York: A Simplified Account (New York State Museum's Educational Leaflet # 28), with particular emphasis on the geology and environs which resulted in the formation of the Taconic Mountains.
After defining the "Jargon of Geology" in Part I (the first seven chapters of the text), Part II: Geologic History successively traverses geologic time with careful and detailed explanation. The twenty-two chapters outline a geologic journey through the Taconic Mountain region from the Archeon through the Pleistocene. The text is well complimented by numerous figures and illustrations of regional geologic features, outcrops and fossils. Part III: Economic Resources from the Ground in Columbia County briefly describes several of the economic resources which are plentiful from the region including metal mining, limestone, cement and concrete, and other potential economic resources. Appendices help to conclude the text with a brief discussion of where and how to collect and study geological specimens and a historical synopsis, in addition to a concise glossary.
For the Practitioner, this book will quickly remind you of the experiences which drew you to the profession today - perhaps weekend hikes through the mountains, a passionate high school science teacher or simply a rock or fossil received as a gift as a child. For the student, this book will help in promoting curiosity about the geologic processes which dramatically shaped the Eastern New York landscape visible today.

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