Lists for Life: The Essential Guide to Getting Organized and Tackling Tough To-Dos Review

Lists for Life: The Essential Guide to Getting Organized and Tackling Tough To-Dos
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Lately, I've been on a mission to get organized, so when I saw this book, I thought I'd give it a try. The bulk of the book is geared toward weddings and pregnancy, which are important parts of life, but only short periods of time. The author also recommended buying other planning guides for these events, so my question was, then what's the point of putting the lists here? Also, some of the lists were just plain weird. It's almost like the author doesn't really run her own household, but simply questioned their household staff as to what they do every day and threw it all into a book. Seriously, who cleans their bathroom windows every week or vacuums under their bed and under furniture every week? Does ANYONE wipe fingerprints off doors & woodwork weekly? That's stuff for seasonal cleaning, or you'd go nuts! Then there's the Preschool Interview guide consisting of 48 questions. Seriously, who does that?? I mean, I can see 10 or so, but 48? Really? It's preschool! They play with clay, sing songs, take naps & eat crackers! My advice? Don't buy this book.

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Who hasn't ever walked out the door with that "am I forgetting something" feeling? Let's face it, everyone could use a little help getting more organized and dealing with life's daily demands. Written by Rory Tahari—a powerhouse businesswoman who not only oversees a company with annual global revenues of more than $500 million but also manages a bustling household with young children and various philanthropic endeavors—Lists for Life breaks big moments down into easy, manageable steps so readers will never feel overwhelmed again. Featuring approximately 100 "lists for life" on topics including parenting, moving, traveling, car ownership, financial planning, taking care of your home, preparing for a hospital stay, planning a funeral, and much more, this handy guide leads readers step by step through life's most stressful events and provides helpful checklists for creating and balancing an organized existence. Lists for Life helps eliminate moments of panic and is practical and portable enough to keep within reach at all times. For anyone from busy moms to overscheduled newlyweds to on-the-go working women, Lists for Life is a must-have resource for every time-crunched, over-extended individual.

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