Miraculous Air: Journey of a Thousand Miles Through Baja California, the Other Mexico Review

Miraculous Air: Journey of a Thousand Miles Through Baja California, the Other Mexico
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God, what a read! Like a novel, almost, full of surprises and little historical bits that will enrich your visit to Baja beyond measure... it was my first visit to Mexico, in 1957, and reading this book takes me back to my childhood visions of a place where the air is miraculous, the sand clean and white, the people like brothers and sisters. Read this book in the teeth of winter, to survive the snowbound months. And if you want to give someone a gift when they're Baja-bound, give them this book. Truly a miraculous treasure.

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This exquisite book is a rare jewel in the literature of Mexico and its little-known peninsula, Baja. Describing her adventures on this austere and beautiful slip of land, C. M. Mayo creates a multi-layered map of place filled with daredevil aviators, sea turtle researchers, Stone Age cave painters, and countless other colorful characters. Covering Baja from Cabo San Lucas to Tijuana, Mayo's wit and curiosity help her weave a story that seamlessly combines history, myth, art, and local color.

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