Household Hints for Dummies Review

Household Hints for Dummies
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A friend gave me this book as a housewarming present and I thought she was nuts because I've had my own home for 30 years. What could I possibly learn from a book about keeping house? As it turns out, plenty! I cannot believe how many hints, ideas and shortcuts I've used from the book -- on taking care of my house, clothes, car, pets. Mine is by my bedside, so I can read a little passage on how to get wax out of carpeting or iron a shirt efficiently before I go to bed. Lest you think I'm a cleaning fanatic, I am not. My house is littered with papers and junk because I work full-time. What this book has done is show me how to use shortcuts and techniques that make keeping things under control easier and less tedious. I salute Janet Sobesky and the publishers. If the whole series is as useful as this book, I'm buying them all.

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Presents tips for cleaning, organizing, storage, laundering, maintenance and repairs, childproofing, and home safety.

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