Made to Measure: New Materials for the 21st Century Review

Made to Measure: New Materials for the 21st Century
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This is a very delightful book. The author is excellent at covering technical details in a charming recounting of the evolutiion of ideas and his depth of knowledge is impressive. This was a labor of love and it shows in all the details. There are many pictures and graphics that compliment the text and these help to keep the reader pushing for more. It is a comprehensive yet story-like overview.Makes you feel well informed enough to consider designing smarter materials yourself........

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Kids, Herbs & Health: A Practical Guide to Natural Remedies Review

Kids, Herbs and Health: A Practical Guide to Natural Remedies
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I am writing to highly recommend this book, Kids, Herbs, and Health, to parents and health practitioners alike. It is absolutely unique- the first of its kind to address herbal remedies for children in a complete and scientifically sound manner. My perspective is unique because I am a scientist (I hold a Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry), a new Mom, and because I am intensely interested in herbs.
Mavor and White have done an outstanding job of explaining complex health/biochemical issues so that parents can make informed healthcare choices for their children. These topics include, but are not limited to, the pros and cons of antiobiotic use, the advantages and disadvantages of over-the-counter cold medicines, the safety of using herbs for kids, etc. I am impressed by the comprehensive nature of the book. Topics range from herbal treatments for common ailments such as colds, ear infections, sore throats, and colic, to treatments for less frequent problems such as attention deficit disorder, sleep and psychological problems. The herbal remedies the authors' suggest are supported by results from numerous clinical studies. Among herbal medicine guides, the science in this book is outstanding.
As a new Mom, I have found this book incredibly practical and useful. In every chapter there are recommendations for appropriate herbal remedies, as well as symptoms that indicate the child should see a doctor, and a wealth of other helpful information (for example, elevating the head of your child's bed during ear infections). The authors include the soundest advice on nutrition I've seen in books of this nature. I love the recipe for the "immune-building" soup! For the people who would like to be self-sufficient and save money, there are many recipes and instructions for home preparation of the herbal glycerites recommended for various medical conditions (i.e. the "runny-nose glycerite"). I have begun to make many of these glycerites during my son's well-times, so that they'll be ready when the need arises.
The book is easy to read, and, surprisingly for a book packed with so much information, I can sit and read it much like a novel. I appreciate the authors preparing this book. I'm certain it's going to positively impact the health of my child

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By emphasizing self-care technique that include herbal treatments, holistic approaches, and lifestyle changes, parents can treat their child's coughs, fevers, minor injuries, and other common childhood ailments - and this book shows them how.

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HVAC Systems Design Handbook, Fifth Edition Review

HVAC Systems Design Handbook, Fifth Edition
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The book is just okay in my opinion. For it to be a systems design book, there are no basic illustrations of systems. For example, there is no pictures of an all air system, all water system, air water system... They do however, cover the components that are in these systems, but I feel that they should show illustrations of the full systems. I also like the way that they have all of the formulas in the beginning chapter of the book in one easy to find location.

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A complete, fully revised HVAC design reference

Thoroughly updated with the latest codes, technologies, and practices, this all-in-one resource provides details, calculations, and specifications for designing efficient and effective residential, commercial, and industrial HVAC systems.

HVAC Systems Design Handbook, Fifth Edition, features new information on energy conservation and computer usage for design and control, as well as the most recent International Code Council (ICC) Mechanical Code requirements. Detailed illustrations, tables, and essential HVAC equations are also included. This comprehensive guide contains everything you need to design, operate, and maintain peak-performing HVAC systems.

Coverage includes:

Load calculations

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Holistic Care for Birds Review

Holistic Care for Birds
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In HOLISTIC CARE FOR BIRDS, authors McCluggage and Higdon address preventative care as well as spiritual and emotional healing. They begin with a brief overview of `bird keeping' - Different birds have different needs..Not all birds like to be petted while others may become miserable without constant affection. Sometimes the difference is species specific, other times it is related to the bird's treatment by previous owners.
Obvious physical problems may send you scrambling to the vet, but there are remedies you can keep on hand to deal with life's stresses and less serious physical injuries. For example, according to the authors, mild camomile tea in the bird's water bowl offers a soothing aperitif following a bad "out-of-cage" experience with the family dog or as a palliative for feather picking. Aloe juice used to treat human skin problems as well as Vitamin E and C can also be used to address bird wounds inflicted by cage mates.
The authors address a range of treatments for ailments as diverse as sore feet and broken feathers to heart disease. They do not eschew veterinary care, indeed McCluggage is a DVM as well as a Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist. Higdon has written a number of books on happy, healthy pets (Lovebirds, Quaker Parrots, etc.). The book includes a section on nutrition, as the best health care involves diet.

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Birds are ideal subjects for holistic care. They are especially sensitive to emotional and physical stresses. Based on what we have learned from wild birds and studies completed in the last 10-20 years, this book will help you provide your bird with a longer, healthier life. Each beautifully illustrated chapter is written from two viewpoints, one from the leading holistic avian veterinarian and the other from a bird owner's viewpoint. Holistic care is defined and the value of this type of care in relation to conventional western medicine is discussed. Other interesting topics include the physical bird, the emotional bird, nutrition and special holistic therapies.

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The Simplified Handbook for Living with Heart Disease: and Other Chronic Diseases Review

The Simplified Handbook for Living with Heart Disease: and Other Chronic Diseases
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This book amazes me. I am so impressed by Warren Selkow and his ability to make a very serious subject (heart disease) funny and entertaining. He covers all the important information you would need to know if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with heart disease. He discusses symptoms, diet, prescriptions, but what book about heart disease doesn't? What makes this book different is the fact that Warren and Donna (his caregiver wife) wrote the book together and they talk about all the things nobody wants to like what to do the day you hear the bad news, the importance of going to the dentist before having open heart surgery, and how to deal with the emotional difficulties for both the patient and caregiver post surgery. The book is thorough, well researched and very personable. I would recommend it to anyone that wants to know more about heart disease or how to live with it once they've been diagnosed.

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The Simplified Handbook for Living with Heart Disease and Other Chronic Diseases by Warren and Donna Selkow is a must-read for those living with heart disease, diabetes, COPD, or renal failure. A survivor of two open-heart surgeries, and his caregiver wife, offer a straightforward first person guide that will save lives. Readers will discover comprehensive physician-reviewed, approved and endorsed information about the various tests leading to a diagnosis, specifics about open-heart surgery and making it through Intensive Care. Sections include preparing for surgery and recovery, diet, medications and exercise, the emotional side effects of depression, anxiety, and stress, and living a life of fitness and productivity. Based on the personal experiences of patient and caregiver, information is delivered with humor and in-your-face honesty. From the first diagnosis of heart disease to living a long and healthy post-surgical life, this book delivers at all levels.

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Porcelain Repair and Restoration Review

Porcelain Repair and Restoration
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A very good and complete book covering everything for the restorer of ceramics. Would've given 4 and a half stars if possible. The half a star off is because I still had unanswered questions after reading the book and because there is some professional mumbo jumbo in there I don't understand.
But on the whole, just a good book.

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Porcelain Repair and Restoration is a practical handbook for those interested in repairing or restoring prized pieces of porcelain. Revised, updated, and redesigned, the book explains simply, step by step, how to achieve excellent results with a variety of techniques. Restorers are introduced to the many options available and encouraged to discover which techniques suit their individual circumstances. With knowledgeable advice on the most up-to-date materials, this practical handbook will be a useful reference for experienced professional restorers and amateurs alike.Each stage in the process of repairing and restoring porcelain is illustrated with photographs and explanatory line drawings and diagrams that show the functions and uses of specialist tools. Williams concludes this edition with a glossary and a comprehensive guide to materials, manufacturers, and suppliers, as well as helpful information on how to set up a workshop.

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Building for a Lifetime: The Design and Construction of Fully Accessible Homes Review

Building for a Lifetime: The Design and Construction of Fully Accessible Homes
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It really helps to lead you in the design and placement of all items and objects, as well as the general layout of you houseplan, rooms and location of house on lot, to make it more convenient and easier for you to get around no matter what your age, height, or physical strength is. It helps you decide the right height for switches, outlets, windows, etc., where they should be in proximity to doorways, beds, work zones, etc. It also gives a good discussion on types of lighting, why and where each is best suited, types of switches, step heights, ramp heights and lengths, the need for less steps, proposing the need to consider letting mechanical aids do the work rather than tired or frail and aging bodies. Helps lead you to the thoughts of doing your exercise in the gym and not be forced to do it in the house. Gives an excellent discussion of what and how for heating, air conditioning, lighting, everthing that goes into a house. It also gives excellent pointers as to what scales to use in creating your house plan drawings to avoid confusion and mistakes by the builder in implementing your plans. Compares accessible building standards to the currently accepted building standards and provides the reason for the departures from the norm. A lot of information is provided on the methods of testing and developing the standards that this text espouses, sort of like in depth and pragmatic time and motion studies. Much of this can be ignored by the reader, but for the doubters out there it does fully explain and support the standards and approaches provided.

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Food Review

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The book "Food" is by far the best book I have ever read. It definately gives the reader a lot of insight. Susan points out the do's and do'nts and goes into great detail as to "why not". At first, the title of the book did not interest me because I thought "Oh, no! Not another book to tell us not to eat cake, pizza, ice cream." Anybody can tell you that. It's just common sense! She does'nt do that. She truly reveals the facts about FAT and she is not afraid to tell you about the "Big Boys." I like that. It is no longer a guessing game. The information in this book has helped me to lose twenty five pounds, plus! Susan makes sense to me. Her books have not only helped me physically but also mentally. She is a very motivational individual and a true inspiration. I would reccommend the book "Food" to anyone who needs help trying to figure out what to eat and how to get healthy!

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Demonstrating how readers can eat for health and pleasure, a practical and humorous guide by a renowned fitness expert explains how to grocery shop, prepare low-fat meals, enjoy low-fat dining out, select healthier eating patterns, and more. Reprint.

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Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment (Natural and Built Environment Series) Review

Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment (Natural and Built Environment Series)
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Methods of environmental impact assessmemnt is a comprehensive and panoramic view of how to evaluate the most fundamental variables of the envronment. This in turn is vey helpful for the practiotioner to get acquianted with the variables which a project could have impactas on as well as the different methods of assesing those impacts.
In its two parts which total seventeeth chapters the editor lets the student and the practitioner drink form the knowledge and experience of over thrity authors who know well what they are saying.
This book is a tool that is helping and will continue to help technicians and scientists of the environment worldwide.
This book is really a good library which should be studied by those who are looking for academic rigor as well as practical insight.

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Environmental impact assessment (EIA) is now firmly established as an important and often obligatory part of proposing or launching any development project. Delivering a successful EIA needs not only an understanding of the theory but also a detailed knowledge of the methods for carrying out the processes required. Peter Morris and Riki Therivel bring together the latest advice on best practice from experienced practitioners to ensure an EIA is carried out correctly. This new edition:' explains how an EIA works and how it should be carried out' demonstrates the relationship of the EIA to socio-economic, environmental and ecological systems' includes completely updated legislative and policy contexts' has added explanations of shared and integrative methods including a new chapter on EIA and sustainability.Invaluable to undergraduate and MSc students of EIA in planning, ecology, geography and environment courses, this third edition of Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment is also of great use to planners, EIA practitioners and professionals seeking to update their skills.

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Wye Island Review

Wye Island
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Like Wye Island itself, this book is a real treasure. The story is fascinating and important--involving developers (both progressive and traditional), the varied layers of community residents, and the rich ecology of the Maryland Eastern Shore. But perhaps most striking is the way in which Boyd Gibbons tells this story. His prose is unusually strong and effective. He has a great gift for the apt description, the telling image, as well as for narrative flow. This is a book to read and to keep.

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Memories of a Farm Kitchen Review

Memories of a Farm Kitchen
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Memories of a Farm Kitchen is not merely a picturebook - it is an extraordinary, lengthy, and in-depth history lesson about how the kitchens of 1920s and 1930s Midwestern farms used to be. Nostalgia-tinged drawings (and the occasional cartoon!) illustrate the facts of food preparation and household economics nearly a century ago, when homemakers had notably less access to modern technological contrivances. From how the kitchen might double as a nursery for at-risk baby farm animals, to old-fashioned canning processes, to how the kitchen often served a social role as well as its practical food-preparation function, Memories of a Farm Kitchen is an absorbing blend of history and memoir, especially recommended to give readers young and old a taste of country life nearly a century gone by. A surprisingly rich collection of recipes rounds out this delightful and highly recommended treasury.

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The author of Once Upon a Farm uses full-color illustrations, pen-and-ink drawings, and nostalgic text to describe the wonders of the traditional American farm kitchen. He was raised on his family farm in Hampton, Iowa. The book includes 28 farm kitchen recipes.

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This Old House Kitchens: A Guide to Design and Renovation Sticker: Companion to the. Review

This Old House Kitchens: A Guide to Design and Renovation Sticker: Companion to the.
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I've been in the plumbing business since 1977. I've sold designer plumbing fixtures at the wholesale level and as a new construction plumber I've installed plumbing in countless kitchens. When the time came to design our room addition and a new kitchen, I discovered I really didn't know much about kitchen design. This would be less of a concern if I wasn't doing everything (design and construction) myself. The work area of our kitchen is too small. I can't get to the sink or refer. without "the cook" nudging me out of the way. I've never made a phone call from the kitchen without "the cook" asking me if I'm done with the phone book sitting on her counter. I'm pretty sure that if the door to the garage didn't block the oven and pantry, when open, I would get locked in the garage less often. The author did a great job in providing design ideas and I'm comfortable I have the solutions. His commentary on choice of finish materials is priceless. I've given everything available consideration, but decided on nothing. The author provided me with what I was looking for to make some smart decisions. We've had this project on the table for over 4 years and a lot of ideas have been "kicked" around. I reached a point where I would have to install wheels on the cabinets and appliances or make some decisions on what to do. This book is a big help. The book isn't a detailed "how to" do the trade work involved but it's a sound guide on the process. I'm not in a position to say any book will make a kitchen expert out of any reader, but I would say the information is solid and practical. I read "Kitchens That Work" by Martin Edic and Richard Edic and think it's a good book as well.

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Textile Dyeing: The Step-by-Step Guide and Showcase Review

Textile Dyeing: The Step-by-Step Guide and Showcase
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This book presents a great introduction to many different dyeing techniques using either fiber-reactive or acid dyes. The numerous galleries throughout the book will help inspire you.
The book starts out with a great explanation of the types of dyes, paints and pigments available. It then covers techniques and tools including good safety advice and fabric preparation. Tips for over-dyeing, stitching and direct application are here too.
Next, thickened dyes, gutta and watercolor techniques are used to create painterly effects. Tied-resists follow including finger-pleated silk and nouveau shibori. Then batik, block- printing and marbling are taught. The instructions are excellent with detailed step-by-step processes accompanied by photos. However, be aware the projects here teach techniques. There are no templates or the like so it would be nearly impossible to create an item identical to the ones in the book.
The best part of the book is the chapter on color theory and dye mixology. It thoroughly explains the cryptic instructions that come with dyes and how to create your own recipe card.
The galleries are awesome. There is one for each section and each includes at least eight different artists displaying their work with the basic techniques used. A directory of all the artists including phone numbers is included in the appendix along with lists of supplies, schools that have degree textile programs and a glossary of terms.

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This title is a celebration of the art of textile dyeing, a step-by-step guide for creating dyed fabrics in a myriad of patterns and variations, and a showcase of works being produced by some of the world's most accomplished textile artists. Displaying a broad range of materials and techniques, this volume is designed to offer professional artists and designers, and creative talent of all levels, inspiration and easy-to-follow instruction for polished textile dyeing results. Featuring, tools, methods, and projects created by top artists in the field—from Peggy Russell's pigment-dyed chiffon scarves and drop-cloth bags, to Michael Davis's shibori silk ties, to Stanley Pinchus's fulwadi banners.

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Too Busy to Clean?: Over 500 Tips & Techniques to Make Housecleaning Easier Review

Too Busy to Clean: Over 500 Tips and Techniques to Make Housecleaning Easier
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When I check out this book at the local library I thought, "Gee, why am I doing this...." because I don't like how-to books. However, this book turned out to be a great teacher to me and now I'm ordering it to own.The author shows many options in cleaning depending how far you want to go, so I can clean my house anytime... even when I have only 10 minutes before my guests come. You may not need this book if you consider yourself a good housekeeper, but this book will help so many people like me, who don't prefer filthy house but at the same time don't know how to clean and organize it fast, easily, and effectively. Thank you, Patti! Your writing is so funny I enjoyed this guidebook as a book to read, too.

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This witty handbook is filled with shortcuts and tricks for making cleaning more tolerable and efficient. The updated edition features a new trim size plus tips for getting organized and cleaning just about anything. 279,000 copies in print.

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The Family Manager's Everyday Survival Guide Review

The Family Manager's Everyday Survival Guide
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The Family Manager's Everyday Survival Guide by Kathy Peel
What a wonderfully refreshing resource Ms. Peel's book is! The Family Manager's Everyday Survival Guide is not only filled with useful, practical effective tips for managing your home, but the author's philosophy is so REAL. She immediately provides the reader with "10 Reasons to Get Organized", followed by "10 Reasons Why You'll Never Get Organized and Stay That Way Forever" - how true to life! So many books on organizing and time management teach just one way of doing things, and when this style does not match the reader's personal style, a sense of failure is created; but not so with Everday Survival Guide.
This book is well written, easy to follow, and (dare I say it) well organized. It is a guide, reference book, and primer all in one. Reading one of the basic principles in organizing early in the book is a big plus for the reader: "Organization is an ongoing art, a process, not an end product." This is exactly what organizing professionals teach their clients, and a lesson not to be dismissed lightly. By stating this right up front, Kathy Peel has tuned the reader in to the fact that there is nothing wrong with them, and the quest for finding balance in their life is shared by all women.
I particularly enjoyed the home management exercises, such as looking through rooms in your home for "secret" storage space, and not taking anything for granted in uncluttering your home. Using checklists as a time-saver is a wonderful idea, avoiding being disorganized on trips, for parties, etc.
I've added The Family Manager's Everyday Survival Guide to my recommended reading list for my workshops and teleclasses, and encourage readers to buy two copies: one for themselves, and one for a friend. Happy organizing!

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"Whoever you are, and however you operate as a family manager, this book can help. Use it as a yearly planner, a reminder, and a good friend with good ideas."--Kathy PeelThroughout the year, life is full of surprises. A sudden rainy day confines your kids to home. Wouldn't it be nice to give them fifty fun ways to combat cabin fever? Your husband calls: he's bringing home some important business associates for dinner. Imagine whipping up a delicious meal on a half hour's notice. A sudden visit from family? Learn to clean your entire house in a weekend. You can do it--and family manager expert Kathy Peel shows you how in this indispensable year-round planner. ¸ Outline monthly and seasonal goals and strategies ¸ Develop your best management style ¸ Apply the seven survival strategies ¸ Simplify finances and record keeping ¸ Anticipate and plan for the big changesPlus ideas for shortcuts in the kitchen, speed cleaning, smart shopping, and hundreds of other ways to make every day easier and your life much happier.

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The Hot Mom's Handbook: Laugh and Feel Great from Playdate to Date Night... Review

The Hot Mom's Handbook: Laugh and Feel Great from Playdate to Date Night...
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I liked this book quite a bit. Like previous reviewer said, it's not necessarily a lot of NEW things, but is nonetheless very important. Sometimes it takes ten times of hearing it that you not only deserve, but NEED to make time for yourself, etc. I really liked the writing style and enjoyed that it was broken up into smaller chunks to read. And the book made me laugh three times (which is a lot for me).

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You've made it through nine months of baby bump, but now baby has arrived and it's a whole new set of rules. Not sure how to navigate this brave new world and new you?

From Jessica Denay, founder of the Hot Moms Club, comes the ultimate resource for moms of all ages trying to balance everything from playdate to date night, nightlife to nightlight. In this laugh-out-loud yet practical guide, Jessica shares how to break loose that inner Hot Mom and tackles everything from avoiding MILPs (Moms I'd Like to Punch) to Making Your Minivan Rock. Along with advice from celebrity moms, experts, and friends, the book has insights from Jessica's personal journey, as well as cheeky anecdotes you won't find in traditional parenting books.

Plus, don't miss her useful Baby on a Budget tips: Did you know that baby wipes double as makeup remover and how a little baby powder gives greasy hair a fresh start? Also, as a top celebrity party planner, Jessica shares her creative birthday and holiday ideas that will make your bashes stand out!

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The Green Iguana Manual (Advanced Vivarium Systems) Review

The Green Iguana Manual (Advanced Vivarium Systems)
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The Green Iguana Manual by Philippe De Vosjoli is often recommended by pet owners and veterinarians. However, the nutritional information is out of date. Animal protein in any amount is no longer recommended in iguana diets, including diets for juveniles. Following this manual for nutrition information could mean your iguana ends up with kidney and/or liver failure and a shortened lifespan. Please see the 1996 edition of Reptile Medicine and Surgery for iguana diet information.

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This is the best-selling book that has been blamed forthe current green iguana problem.... too many green iguanas incaptivity surviving to adult size. This compact manual offers athorough coverage of housing, feeding, medical problems behaviorproblems and captive breeding. Includes many color photos andillustrations. It remains one of the best-selling herp books of alltime! 75pp. color.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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