A Whole-Body Approach to Slowing Down Aging: Helping You Live Healthier and Longer Review

A Whole-Body Approach to Slowing Down Aging: Helping You Live Healthier and Longer
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I actually bought this for my parents as I thought it would be a good read for them as they are getting a little long in years, but I found it to be an extremely fascinating read and ended up purchasing another copy for myself to read on my Kindle! The book takes a very scientific approach to analyzing the needs and processes of the human body and attempts to explain why we age the way we do. I'll admit a lot of it was above me at first but the book does a good job of explaining things in ways so people can understand even if you're not a scientist. The information is bountiful and comes at you in waves, which is part of what I found made it such an interesting read for me. I found my mind racing to keep up and to grasp an understanding of the topics and science of what he was covering.
Though primarily aimed at boomers, I found the information to be particularly helpful to anyone really and the book to be a very satisfying experience.

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AGING IS INEVITABLE. It's a complicated process, and each of us experiences it in different ways. It's difficult to pinpoint why one person ages well while another person acts and looks older. In A Whole- Body Approach to Slowing Down Aging, author Dr. Liang-Che Tao presents a self-help guide that works toward protecting your health in your senior years and reducing the risk of age-related diseases.

Advocating a practical, whole-body approach, Tao discusses natural and nutritional ways of slowing, and possibly even reversing, the aging process. With the goal of living longer lives in disease-free, healthier bodies, A Whole-Body Approach to Slowing Down Aging helps you understand the

'primary causes of aging;'nutritional needs for optimal immune functions; 'wise use of antioxidants; 'basics of cardiovascular disease and how to prevent it; 'idea that osteoporosis can also be prevented; 'background of age-related cancer; 'importance of protecting the brain and keeping it healthy.

Life is mortal, and our bodies are designed to last only so long. In A Whole-Body Approach to Slowing Down Aging, Tao shows that with care and maintenance, our bodies will live well beyond their warranties.

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