Your Non-Toxic Pregnancy Review

Your Non-Toxic Pregnancy
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I bought this book while traveling in the North of Ireland, so I expected it to be a European based book. Indeed it is, however, the author was kind enough to do some American research, as well, so it is definitely usable (and recommended) for Americans.
My first "chemical-free" pregnancy book was The Complete Organic Pregnancy by Deidre Dolan and Alexandra Zissu, and while I did enjoy it, I found it lacking in many areas (such as recommendations and resources for finding less toxic products). Because of this, I was pleasantly surprised when I picked up a copy of Your Non-Toxic Pregnancy. Not only does it back up its claims with sound research (from many different worldwide-respected organizations), but it gives many different suggestions for how to live more organically.
The book is organized well and filled with attractive photos of glowing pregnant mamas-to-be. The information is consise. The suggestions are do-able.
The author devotes a whole section to toxins in beauty products, and includes recipes for homemade alternatives that I found especially interesting and helpful. Another section describes the dangers in modern household cleaning products, and gives a list of eco-friendly options. And these subjects are just the beginning.
I really cannot give enough praise to how well this book is put together. There are many books out there screaming the dangers of many of our modern-day luxuries, but do absolutely nothing to help us find better, safer, and more eco-friendly ways of living. This book has an alternative for every not-so-safe product out there. Many of the alternatives are UK products, but almost all can be ordered online.
As a quick side note, I've noticed many reviews for this book (on other sites) and reviews for The Complete Organic Pregnancy state that the authors are trying to scare you into doing impossible things. I say for a fact that none of these changes are impossible to make. Yes, the information is scary, but this does not mean it is fear culture-based. Someone needs to put this information out there, and I find it unwise and even immature to criticize those few who are brave enough to do it. /rant

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Every expectant mother wants to provide a safe and protective environment for her unborn baby, but there are hidden hazards in almost everything we use or ingest, such as arsenic in eyeshadow and hormones in chicken. Women aged 20–45 are especially vulnerable to toxic substances and their effects, and even more so when they are pregnant. Yet it is often hard to choose the right products given manufacturers' often misleading claims and the amount of technical knowledge required to "translate" the components of many items. This guidemakes clear the substances found in common household, food, and office items and reveals the practices that can be damaging to both baby and mother. It provides a guide to safe commercial alternatives as well as quick-and-easy recipes to create natural preparations. It is the ultimate guide to ensuring that home, workspace, leisure-time activities, food, skin care, and cosmetics remain hazard- and stress-free.

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