Clean, Naturally Review

Clean, Naturally
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The author is well known up here and this new book of hers is a great for any one who wants to run a more eco-friendly and economical household. It gives recipes for safe house cleaning solutions, laundry cleaners (this is an excellent section), and personal soaps for adults. There are even recipes for homemade diaper rash cream for babies (which I used on my fourteen-month old) and an all-natural flea shampoo for pets (which I used on our standard poodle). It is also a great read--lots of good advice and ideas for cutting down on harmful products we routinely use on our selves and in our home. I plan to give this as part of a shower present to a cousin of mine who is getting married.

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Like a breath of fresh air, this guide to home and personal care embraces the cleaning ritual as a necessary part of daily life and offers tips on how to make it remarkably stress-free and even enjoyable. Harsh chemical cleaners, artificial scents, and allergy-inducing additives can be replaced with the pure, gentle, and wholesome cleaning products in this handbook. In a world where environmental sensitivities are on the rise and time to complete basic tasks seems to slip away, the efficient recipes and methods in this book come as a welcome surprise. By eliminating unnecessary cleaning products from the home, under-the-counter clutter is greatly reduced, allergies and sensitivities are easily addressed, and favorite scents and textures become a part of the calming and fulfilling ritual of keeping things clean.

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