Angel Visions II: More True Stories of People Who Have Had Contact with Angels, and How YOU Can, Too Review

Angel Visions II: More True Stories of People Who Have Had Contact with Angels, and How YOU Can, Too
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I have read so many books by Doreen, this second Visions book is just as great as the first! For those who have never had an "encounter" or a "vision", don't dismay - you first need to believe that one doesn't need to be extraordinary to have angels communicate with them. I should know, I am very ordinary, but very lucky to have an open mind & spirit... Remember - our angels cannot help us unless we ask them to!!!
Believe and you shall see!!!! :o} :o}

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Many people have seen angels and apparitions of deceased loved ones. This volume contains stories of people who received life-saving messages from their deceased loved ones during dreams, and about strangers who appeared from nowhere during a crisis and then suddenly disappeared.

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