Green Your Home: The Complete Guide to Making Your New or Existing Home Environmentally Healthy Review

Green Your Home: The Complete Guide to Making Your New or Existing Home Environmentally Healthy
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Jeanne Roberts does a wonderful job in this book explaining how to make your home environmentally friendly, and Roberts explains why everyone should look into doing this. The book opens by telling that our fuel supplies are diminishing, particularly the fossil fuels like coal and oil. Roberts goes on to explain that our large-scale use of these supplies has caused, according to scientists, a 1.08 degree Fahrenheit increase in the earth's temperature, and tells many scientists predict that the earth's temperature may increase by 10 degrees F. by the time we hit 2100.
Because of these frightening predictions, Roberts explains in the book what efforts we as humans can make to reverse this escalating temperature. Roberts opens by describing the important basics which can reduce your energy bill like switching from incandescent light bulbs to compact fluorescents. In another very informative section, Roberts also describes how to fill your home with green friendly appliances.
Additionally detailed are the more expensive efforts which homeowners can take such as installing a green friendly roof. Such a roof is very beneficial because it can significantly reduce your heating and cooling costs all the while it will filter out pollutants and carbon dioxide from the air that is in your house. Roberts, also, does a great job detailing which type of roof to buy and how to go about buying and installing it. Additionally, the appropriate, energy-efficient type of refrigerator is discussed as well as dishwashers, trash compactors, and clothes washers and dryers. Every part of your home which you can make green friendly is described in this book. Also, the book is written in very clean, easily understood language that is rife with cost comparisons that show just how financially beneficial of going green can be. Therefore, all who are thinking about how they can make their home more green friendly or are contemplating building a new home, certainly need to read this book.

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This book has thousands of ways to make your home environmentally healthy and will help you make ecologically aware supply choices. From recycling to alternative cleaning materials, minor changes can add up to real benefits. Greening your home means finding things you can do to reduce your impact on the planet. We dissected your house, looking for easy (but not always obvious) ways that homeowners can conserve energy, water, and money at the same time.

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