The Coral Reef Aquarium: An Owner's Guide toa Happy Healthy Fish (Happy Healthy Pet) Review

The Coral Reef Aquarium: An Owner's Guide toa Happy Healthy Fish (Happy Healthy Pet)
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The Coral Reef Aquarium is a key-fact oriented primer on modern reef system dynamics. Main sections include "Understanding the Coral Reef," "The Environment," and "The Organisms." The concentration on equipping the aquarist with a conceptual framework from which to base their pursuit rather than the more typical emphasis on equipment renders the book valuable for readers at any level. I especially liked chapters on "An Artificial Ecosystem" (where life on the reef is contrasted with life in the tank) and "Material and Energy Flow" (which traces events from the food through all plant and critter life).
Dr. Ron Shimek's style is blunt, to the point, and hard hitting. Where most "beginner" books are written by well studied practitioners, Shimek's book is written for beginners by a biology instructor / scientist. The facts are behind a few unconventional recommendations that liven the well presented material further. Clearly Shimek is on a mission to remove our hobby from the erroneous recommendations earlier books for beginners served up generously. For it's brevity (only 126 pages) and low price it's a 5 star book. I'm rating it 4 stars not because the work isn't excellent, it is, but because I feel the beginner's needs are incredibly broad and it's simply impossible answer the myriad of questions and concerns in 125 pages. Then again, I have yet to see a beginner's book that does.

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The number of corals imported into the U.S. rose 249 percent between 1995 and 1996, an indication the coral reef hobby is booming. Concerned hobbyists have begun growing corals domestically so that people can enjoy reef tanks without destroying natural reefs. This book combines information on setting up and maintaining a reef, as well as ecological concerns.

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