Dana's Minerals and How to Study Them (After Edward Salisbury Dana), 4th Edition Review

Dana's Minerals and How to Study Them (After Edward Salisbury Dana), 4th Edition
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For anyone interested in learning the basics of mineralogy, this is the place to start! Easy to read and understand. Great section on the Crystal Systems. Most mineral or mineralogy books spend most of the book on photographs, which is great, but this book focuses on giving the reader the basic understanding to know what they are looking at in the many fine "picture books" already out there about minerals.

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This short, practical guide to the identification of hand specimen minerals utilizes simple methods of observation and inexpensive tools. It gives a guidline on how to collect minerals as well as a tone and language that evoke the charm of an earlier scientific era. A companion volume to the newly revised Dana's New Mineralogy, this book will reward the student of nature seeking an introduction to minerals and their identification.

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