To OUR Health, The Inner Art of Dowsing in search for Health, Happiness, Harmony, in Mind, Body, Spirit Review

To OUR Health, The Inner Art of Dowsing in search for Health, Happiness, Harmony, in Mind, Body, Spirit
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If one is looking for a dowsing-based book to really get down to business and clear those issues in life that seem to hold us back, "To Our Health, The Inner Art of Dowsing in Search for Health, Happiness, Harmony in Mind, Body, Spirit" will do exactly what the title says! I have had the opportunity to attend Anneliese's classes personally, and my life has never been the same! This wonderful book teaches the basics of dowsing form and procedure, and then the Journey begins in identifying the layers of issues in our lives. "To Our Health" equips us to clear those issues that may be holding us back from who we are really meant to be. It goes beyond a basic "self-help" book into a domain where you stand in your power again, totally pro-active, and begin to shape your own reality. It is a book of Self-Responsibility, full of love and wisdom that will benefit anyone seeking those vibrations of Happiness, Health and Harmony in their lives. A true book of self-empowerment written by Women of Sagely Wisdom and profound Love...

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With this workbook, you are learning how to dowse, you are able to reach into your life's records, find what method of healing your eternal being is asking for. On what levels of consciousness your problem/issue lies. How much negative energy is stored in your physical/subtle body layers. What is the catalyst for your problem, whether it be body, mind, spirit, soul, educational, family, financial, relationship, sexual, social etc....Where does this issue manifest in/on your physical being. Who is involved with this issue, is it your issue or someone else's. When did this issue arise. etc...Other clues. What negative energy are you experiencing with this issue, and how does your eternal being wants to feel (positive) This book teaches you how to solve these issues, by letting go of these negative energies and experiencing a new way of life. Balancing 100% is the key.

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