What to Do 'til the Cavalry Comes: A Family Guide To Preparedness in 21st Century America Review

What to Do 'til the Cavalry Comes: A Family Guide To Preparedness in 21st Century America
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I recently attended a preparedness seminar in Long Island, NY sponsored by Congressman Steve Israel. This book is not a guide just for hurricanes, but for most disasters possible in today's world.
The other speakers, the author, and his guide made it clear that WE as individuals and families must take responsibility for ourselves until help arrives, no matter what the situation.
Nothing in the seminar, or the guide was a secret, however, this book puts the basics of being ready in a clear and concise forum and covers the needs to prepare hurricanes, floods & terrorism. It's all about us having food, water, shelter and a plan for ourselves in the event of a disaster.
I found the information to be current and the checklists complete, and yes, even the author's attempts at humor....funny.
I also learned about shelf-stable foods (a term I'd never heard used before) I'm ordering a couple of cases of the A-Pack MREs for my family and you should too....the samples I got were great.
It's a quick and easy book to read and will be a part of my preparedness kit.

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The 21st Century has been a time of unparalleled disasters around the world. Tsunamis, floods and earthquakes of seemingly near-biblical proportions have struck worldwide, while the United States has been hammered by hurricanes, seen flooding take lives and been attacked by terrorists who continue to threaten our national security to this day.
Since the attacks of 9/11, our elected leadership has repeatedly issued warnings for all Americans to prepare—yet most have not.
Having seen the government's failures after Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma, who would you rather depend on to provide for your family's needs after a disaster?
What to Do 'til the Cavalry Comes gives families a basic plan, one most anybody can live by. It is a must-read for those who wish to improve their readiness for living in 21st Century America, knowing—"When you live prepared, you're prepared to live!"

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