The Complete Idiot's Guide to Better Skin Review

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Better Skin
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I purchased this book hoping to learn more about skin; have a greater understanding of how the skin works etc. The book does go into all this but I found that most topics were breezed over ie light and interesting but nothing of great substance. The areas of the book I enjoyed the most were the information on various proceedures you could get at salons for instance what the names of facials offered mean and what you could expect from them. I don't regret buying this book but I would recommend it for thoses who really have no or very little knowledge of their skin, skin type and problems.

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From diet to peels—a complete picture. A skin-care expert and a medical writer provide readers with a lifelong plan for good skin. With advice for everyone from teens to seniors, they cover such topics as the importance of diet, exercise, and water intake; which "cosmeceuticals" and pharmaceuticals really work; and treatments for problems such as aging, sun damage, acne, pregnancy masks, menopause, rosacea, and more. • 17 million Americans over the age of 18 suffer from acne • Botox injections are up 553% since 1992—the third most popular plastic surgery procedure in 2001 after breast augmentation and liposuction • Full skin care regimen and treatment options for all types of skin—for both women and men.

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